API endpoints for managing dedicated numbers as sender IDs for messaging services.
Get all available dedicated numbers
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
page | query | integer(int32) | false | Page number |
limit | query | integer(int32) | false | Number of records per page |
q | query | string | false | Filter numbers based on multiple criteria. The query string should be formatted as key-value pairs separated by commas. Available filter keys: type , number_type , country |
q2 | query | string | false | Filter numbers based on multiple criteria. The query string should be formatted as key-value pairs separated by commas. Available filter keys: type |
Refer to Status Codes for definitions of HTTP status code responses.
Successful response
curl --include \ --header "Authorization: Basic YXBpLXVzZXJuYW1lOmFwaS1wYXNzd29yZA==" \ 'https://rest.clicksend.com/v3/numbers'
{- "http_code": 200,
- "response_code": "SUCCESS",
- "response_msg": "Here are you dedicated numbers.",
- "data": {
- "total": 2,
- "per_page": 15,
- "current_page": 1,
- "last_page": 1,
- "next_page_url": null,
- "prev_page_url": null,
- "from": 1,
- "to": 2,
- "data": [
- {
- "dedicated_number": "+61411111111",
- "country": "AU",
- "price": "18.59",
- "_country_name": "Australia",
- "notes": null,
- "type": "sms",
- "number_type": "longcode",
- "number_category": null,
- "number_guid": "60744953-781E-463C-A7FF-F194228674BB",
- "form_submission_id": null,
- "status": {
- "value": 0,
- "description": "Your number is ready to go.",
- "name": "Ready to use"
}, - {
- "dedicated_number": "+61422222222",
- "country": "AU",
- "price": "20.99",
- "_country_name": "Australia",
- "notes": "Business line",
- "type": "mms",
- "number_type": "longcode",
- "number_category": null,
- "number_guid": "83955064-892F-574D-B8GG-G2053339785CC",
- "form_submission_id": null,
- "status": {
- "value": 1,
- "description": "Your number is unregistered. You will not be able to send messages to certain countries.",
- "name": "Unregistered"
Buy dedicated number
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
dedicated_number | path | string | true | Phone number to purchase |
Refer to Status Codes for definitions of HTTP status code responses.
Successful response
{- "http_code": 200,
- "response_code": "SUCCESS",
- "response_msg": "Here is your new number.",
- "data": {
- "dedicated_number": "+12282060576",
- "country": "US",
- "price_total": "8.98",
- "_price_setup": "22.22",
- "_price_monthly": "11.11",
- "_currency": {
- "currency_name_short": "USD",
- "currency_prefix_d": "$",
- "currency_prefix_c": "¢",
- "currency_name_long": "US Dollar"
Get all dedicated numbers by country
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
country | path | string | true | Country code to search |
search | query | string | false | Your search pattern or query. |
search_type | query | integer(int32) | false | Your strategy for searching, 0 = starts with, 1 = anywhere, 2 = ends with. |
page | query | integer(int32) | false | Page number |
limit | query | integer(int32) | false | Number of records per page |
Refer to Status Codes for definitions of HTTP status code responses.
Successful response
curl --include \ --header "Authorization: Basic YXBpLXVzZXJuYW1lOmFwaS1wYXNzd29yZA==" \ 'https://rest.clicksend.com/v3/numbers/search/{country}'
{- "http_code": 200,
- "response_code": "SUCCESS",
- "response_msg": "Here are some numbers.",
- "data": [
- {
- "country": "US",
- "country_name": "United States of America",
- "dedicated_number": "+12132633745",
- "price_setup": "0.0000",
- "price_monthly": "20.7100",
- "price_total": "20.7100"
}, - {
- "country": "US",
- "country_name": "United States of America",
- "dedicated_number": "+12134657532",
- "price_setup": "0.0000",
- "price_monthly": "20.7100",
- "price_total": "20.7100"
], - "_currency": {
- "currency_name_short": "AUD",
- "currency_prefix_d": "$",
- "currency_prefix_c": "c",
- "currency_name_long": "Australian Dollars"
Registers a number that requires additional verification information. This endpoint facilitates the registration process for numbers requiring special compliance documentation.
After submission, ClickSend's compliance team will review the registration and notify you of the approval status.
Refer to Status Codes for definitions of HTTP status code responses.
Successful response
Bad request
{- "full_name": "John Doe",
- "company_name": "ClickSend",
- "email": "john.doe@clicksend.com",
- "sample_message": "Get 20% off on your next purchase! Visit our website for details.",
- "primary_use_case": "Marketing",
- "company_number": "+1-800-555-0199",
- "area_code": "416, 647, 905"
{- "http_code": 200,
- "response_code": "SUCCESS",
- "response_msg": "Number registration notification sent successfully.",
- "data": null